Lunula Cold Laser is the latest technology that treats your fungal nails. Low-level cold laser technology that offers no pain, no risk and no downtime. Erchonia™s Lunula Laser is proven to be the easy effective way to restore clear healthy nails again.

Do you have fungal nail infection? Have you tried other treatments and not working? Lunula Cold Laser is highly effective and pain-free!
Book Now for your risk-free, no obligation consultation.
- Non-Thermal
- No pain or Downtime
- Quick Treatment
- Proven Results
- Low risk
- No Referral Required
How does Lunula Cold Laser work?
The Lunula Low-Level Cold Laser uses two specific low-powered laser beams simultaneously to help destroy the fungus infecting your toenails and present in the nail bed and surrounding skin. It’s painless, safe and effective.
Specifically, the two laser beams used in the Lunula Cold Laser are:
- Blue (405nm). This laser acts specifically and directly upon the fungal cells and causes changes in the outer wall, weakening it significantly, and allowing the body’s immune system to attack and destroy it.
- Red (635nm). This wavelength acts on the body’s natural immune cells – strengthening them, making them more active and able to kill the weakened fungus. In addition, the red light improves blood flow, bringing nutrients and additional immune cells to the affected area which speeds up the treatment process.
How Many Treatments Do I Need?
Common treatment protocol is 4 weekly treatments and reviewed at 3, 6 and 12 months. Most tend to resolve within 4-8 sessions.

What Should I Bring To My Appointment?
You’ll need to bring along a clean pair of socks to wear following the treatment. We will sterilise your shoe at the consultation. No nail polish should be worn to your appointment.
Can anyone receive this treatment?
With a few exceptions, most people with fungal nail infection would be able to have this treatment. Your Podiatrist will carry out an assessment prior to treatment and be able to advise you on this.

Benefits of Lunula Cold Laser Fungal Nail Treatment
- Highly Effective
- No pain unlike other treatments (eg. hot lasers)
- No harmful side effects of oral anti-fungal medications
- Fast procedure takes only 12 minutes per foot